Our mission is to provide sellers with a smooth and stress-free real estate closing. When you choose a settlement company, you need to be confident that your choice has the experience, knowledge, and ability to protect you and your investment. Lytle Title's owner and staff have closed successfully tens of thousands of real estate transactions involving more than a billion dollars. You can close with confidence at Lytle Title.

The Closing Process

Okay, so you have signed your contract and chosen Lytle Title to handle your closing, so what happens now? Well, first of all you can be confident that we will take care of you, so rest assured and do not stress! At Lytle Title it's all about you, and we will take care of just about everything behind the scenes.

  • Step 1
  • Step 2
  • Step 3
  • Step 4
  • Step 5
Step 1

Your contact information

Make sure we have good contact information for you. Email has changed the world, and it is a great way to stay in touch with us. We embrace the technology and use it to our client's advantage: from emailing deeds to sellers in Korea to having our documents scanned and disseminated electronically, we believe this technology is key to closing in today's fast-paced world. For that reason, we host our own fax and email servers on dedicated T-1 high speed Internet connections.

Step 2

What we need

There are several things we need from you. First, we need payoff information on any loans secured by your house (1st, 2nd, equity lines, etc.). These must be paid at closing, so please provide us with lender name, account name, loan number, and lender contact information. Many clients simply provide us with a copy of their most recent statement. Depending on the lender we may or may not need written authorization. You should make any payments due before closing. If you are behind on your loan payments, please let us know. Second, please coordinate with your agent. Settlement will be delayed if the termite and moisture inspection and any repairs are not timely performed, and we will need evidence such inspections and repairs are completed prior to closing. If you are not represented by an agent: order your termite and moisture inspection, have repairs performed as early as possible, arrange with the buyers for the walk-through, and please bring your house keys to settlement or make transfer arrangements directly with the buyers.

Step 3

Coordinate Necessary Information

After we are asked to assist you with the sale of your home, we will obtain the information necessary to have your deed drafted (Lytle Law will draft the deed as only attorneys are authorized to do so). We will order your payoffs and help coordinate getting the necessary information to the buyer’s settlement agent. As the process moves forward, we will work with the buyer’s settlement agent, your agent, the buyer’s lender and the buyer's agent and attorney to coordinate all of the details necessary to get you closed. Much, if not most, of what we will do for you is done in the background and you need to interact very little with our office, which is what most clients want. You are more than welcome to contact us and follow us every step of the way.

Step 4

Who will attend Closing?

At the outset, let us know right away if one or both of you will not be able to attend closing or sign the necessary documents before closing. If you have an existing power of attorney, we need to review it before closing, and we must have the original at closing so we can record it. We can have powers of attorney prepared for you by Lytle Law if need be. Please bring a photo ID to closing, and if your ID does not match the name on your loan or contract then please let us know that well before closing.

Step 5

The last details

We will assume the closing date specified in your contract and schedule a specific time for you to sign your documents once we get a better feel for everyone's schedule – which is usually scheduled in conjunction with your agent. Typically, in this area, buyers and sellers do not attend closing together (sellers do not have nearly as much to sign as buyers do), and quite often you will be able to sign everything before closing to be held in escrow by us. So, a seller closing usually consists of you stopping by our office before closing, at a pre-arranged time, and signing and reviewing the documents with your agent and a Lytle Title closer. This signing process usually takes 15 to 30 minutes.

Your sale proceeds are typically available within two business days of closing, and we will help coordinate that payment from the buyer’s settlement agent.